App Of The Week: Dan The Man
On Wednesday's commute I counted three people on the 0732 to London Liverpool Street, playing a cool-looking retro-style side scrolling platform game on their iPhone.
This peaked my interest, the game was Dan The Man.There's a clamour for 8-bit style graphic games at the moment and Dan The Man could have come straight from a 14 inch tv screen plugged in to a Commodore 64. The premise of the game is pretty conventional, advance from left to right hopping from platform to platform mashing ninja-like baddies and rabid dogs.
A cutesy medieval 8-bit world in which we would all like to live. |
It's set in a medieval era yet machine guns are all the rage. Don't forget to smash the large urns to discover coins and food items to replenish your energy bar, and to smash the atlas-like statues that cleverly hold a video screen with a reward waiting for you at the end of the video.
In the process of getting my ass handed to me. Again. |
I like that it's free to play, and when your life is lost you can either pay 200 coins you've collected during the game to start back from the same place, or watch a video.
Whilst the entire commuting world is holding it's breath for the forth-coming release of Super Mario, Dan The Man will not just fill the gap, but give the italian plumber a jump for his money.
Developer: Halfbrick Studios
Style: Arcade
Score: 10/10
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