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How To Cut Down On Laundry Bills (Easy Tips)

Toddlers can create mountains of dirty clothes in next to no time, and it can seem like the washing machine is never off work. But it needn't be that way! Here are a few tips we've learned about how to cut down on our laundry bill.

1. Set aside some old jogging bottoms, shorts, t shirts, pyjamas as 'feeding clothes' we put these on Adam before meal times. Unless they get really messy, we keep these for up to a week.

2. Next, we bought an arts and craft plastic apron from The Range and this can be wiped clean after eating. It's quite long and covers his lap under the high chair table.

3. Over this we have a silicone bib, the kind with the upturned bottom that catches food (photo to follow)

4. Adam has his own set of metal knife, fork and spoon and is encouraged to use them instead of eating with his hands. He feels so proud and grown up that he can eat like mummy and daddy, and can even say 'knife, fork and spoon.' Plus it saves him wiping messy hands in his hair and down his high chair.

You're probably doing a version of this already, but we would love to hear your tips on how to save on laundry bills.

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