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Warm Up With Our Autumn Tomato Chutney Recipe

Adam LOVES loves all veg. He can proudly name carrots, apples, bananas, tomatoes and potatoes, and a bag of prepared cauliflower and broccoli that he calls ‘lunch.’ Not bad for a three year old!

But not all kids like veg, and growing your own might help.

We bought a small green house from B&Q online ( a few seedlings for about £1 each from B&Q store, and a few months later we had more tomatoes than the three of us and our next door neighbour could eat.

I have always enjoyed the warm and comforting taste of homemade chutney so we set about finding a recipe, and came across Autumn Chutney on the BBC Good Food website. With a few tweaks and additions, here is our version:

1kg Chopped Tomatoes
750kg Chopped Cooking Apples
250g of Sultanas
350ml Cider Vinegar
2 chopped up red chillies, seeds and all
375g Brown Sugar
Dessert Spoon of Mustard Seeds

1. Put all ingredients in to a large stainless steel pan, bring to the boil and turn down to simmer for an hour, stirring frequently to avoid the mixture catching on the bottom.

2. Leave to cool completely before spooning in to sterilised jars. The easiest way to sterilise is to wash the jars in hot soapy water, rince and place on a baking sheet in a low oven until dry. Be careful not to touch the inside of the jar, place a circle of grease proof paper inside the lid and screw down hard, and the chutney will keep for at least a year.

Do let us know how yours turned out, and if you have any advice on what to do with left over veg and your tips for getting kids to munch on them!

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